
The eligibility of your organization will be determined by the licencing office. The licencing authority will review all relevant documentation to determine eligibility. These decisions are based on what is considered charitable in law according to the Criminal Code of Canada.

Your organization may qualify for a lottery licence if it provides a charitable service to Ontario residents under one of these categories:

  • Relieve Poverty
  • Advance Religion
  • Advance Education
  • Benefit the Community

The following pre-requisites are mandatory to be considered eligible for a lottery licence.

  1. Organizations must have been in existence for at least one (1) year before being considered eligible for lottery licences.
  2. The organization must have a place of business in Ontario, demonstrate that it is established to provide charitable services in Ontario and use proceeds for objects or purposes which benefit Ontario residents.
  3. Completion of the Application for Licencing Eligibility form.

Lottery licencing refers to lottery schemes permitted by the licence under the Criminal Code of Canada. Typically, these may include Bingos, Raffles, Break Open Tickets and social gaming events held by charitable or religious organizations. Licenced Charitable or Religious Organizations must conduct and manage their events in accordance with licencing policies and the terms and conditions of the licences and fulfill all prescribed reporting requirements. It is illegal to print tickets, promote or conduct a charitable gaming event without a licence.

For more information to go to the AGCO WEBSITE and read all the policies and procedures for lotteries.

For information on lotteries please contact Erica Rice at 613.628.3101 ext 226 or